Author: Beate Nimsky

In der neuesten Ausgabe der Women Gone Wild Reihe, „Intuition“, steht die transformative Kraft der Intuition im Mittelpunkt. Durch Geschichten verschiedener Autorinnen werden die Leserinnen eingeladen, ihre innere Weisheit zu erkennen und die Herausforderungen des Lebens mit Selbstvertrauen und Klarheit zu meistern. Die Geburt einer Bewegung Die...

What an amazing day in Times Square. WILD MAG covers lit up the largest billboard featuring the incredible Beate Nimsky, Jet VanWijk, Reena Merchant, and Kenya Roberson. "These phenomenal women perfectly embody the spirit of WILD, and I am beyond honored to showcase their inspiring journeys."...

The much-anticipated second installment of the Women Gone Wild series, Intuition, launched worldwide on June 3, 2024. Following the success of the first book, Wealth (2023), this four-part series continues to captivate readers with empowering stories that celebrate the extraordinary journeys of women from all walks...

Women’s intuition, often described as a mysterious yet potent force, embodies an innate wisdom and perceptiveness unique to the female experience. Rooted in instinct and empathy, it serves as a guiding compass, offering insights beyond rational comprehension. Women intuitively grasp subtleties in relationships, situations, and...