
Beate Nimsky has been involved in energy work, consciousness-raising, and healthy nutrition for the past 30 years. Coming from a corporate background, Nimsky shifted her trajectory after a debilitating car accident in 1987. She quit her career and dedicated her time to learning about various personality...

Are you riddled with self-doubt? Do you hold onto the idea that you’re “not good enough”? If you do, don’t worry—you’re definitely not alone. However, what if self-doubt is a learned ability that’s keeping you from being as great as you really are? The only person powerful...

What is the one thing that you do well with ease that you’re not currently placing enough value in? As an entrepreneur, leader or consultant you have at least one area of your personality a talent which is so “normal” to you that you don’t think...

What if you entered a room with five people waiting for your presentation and you won the deal after fifteen minutes? Or does this seem too good to be true? One year ago I was in this exact situation and it forced me to consider how...

There are many items we could cover in profiling customers such as: industry, size of the company, national or international business, employees, capital, hierarchies, etc. Today I will focus on the individuals. This is because everything comes down to one-on-one communication. Years ago, it did not matter...

Corporate Leadership Trainer Beate Nimsky, 66, has no problem presenting in front of 500+ people. She is a gun for hire, utilized by Ericsson, Europcar, Bosch, Siemens and Georg Fischer Automotive and other companies wanting to positively influence their mindset and culture. As a child, however,...